“Smart” Transmitting Utility Meters

An Introductory Packet
Excerpts and Resources from An Electronic Silent Spring

  1. What are “Smart” Meters?
    A “smart” meter tracks the use of electricity, natural gas or water. Most transmit radio-frequency signals in the microwave range. Some are not transmitting. “Smart” meters might be the world’s largest deployment of transmitting antennas.
  2. “Smart” Meters and Health
    According to 54 scientists and health professionals, “if a smart meter is located on a wall with a bedroom or kitchen, the radio-frequency exposure can be the same as if you are within 200 to 600 feet of a cell tower with multiple carriers….”
  3. List of “Smart” Meter Fires and Explosions from EMF Safety Network
  4. Elizabeth Kelley’s Suggestions
    A longtime public health advocate, Elizabeth Kelley suggests what you can do to prevent a “smart” meter from being installed on your home.
  5. “Smart” Meter Options by State
  6. How to Refuse a “Smart” Meter
    Concerned citizen Jerry Day offers a model letter for refusing a “smart” meter on your home.
  7. Katie Singer interviews Sharon Noble about smart meters
    May 19, 2016 Occupy/EMFHarm teleconference
  8. Katie Singer works with Citizens for Fair Rates and the Environment (CFRE) to intervene in PNM’s proposal to install “smart” electric utility meters in its service areas in New Mexico. Here is her testimony.
  9. An MD on “Smart” Meters
  10. Do You Have a “Smart” Meter?
    How to determine which kind of utility meter you have, by Jeromy Johnson of www.emfanalysis.com
  11. In a letter to the California Council on Science and Technology, Di-Kun Li, MD, epidemiologist and senior research scientist at Kaiser Permanente, gives his professional opinions about the safety of “smart” meters.
  12. Applied physicist Dr. Ronald M. Powell on “Smart” Meters
    worthwhile papers for every concerned citizen
  13. Smart Meter Fires: Burning Meters, Burning Questions, Shocking Answers
    Brian Thiesen has posted a new video about “smart” meters.
  14. Biological and Health Effects of Microwave Radio Frequency Transmissions: a Review of the Research Literature – A Report to the Staff and Directors of the Eugene Water and Electric Board, June 4, 2013, Paul Dart, M.D.
  15. Dr. Karl Maret, January 30, 2011 – Commentary on the California Council on Science and Technology Report “Health Impacts of Radio Frequency from Smart Meters”
  16. “Smart” Meter Fires
  17. Different Types of Meters
  18. FCC regulations and “Smart” Badger water meters
  19. Heart and Pacemaker Disruption from Electric Meter
  20. Katie Singer Interviews Ed Friedman about “Smart” Meters in Maine and Global WiFi for an Occupy Teleconference
  21. PNM’s Proposed “Smart” Meters
  22. More Than 110 Municipalities in Quebec Aare Now Opposed to “Smart” Meter Deployment


More Resources:

At freedomtaker.com, Jerry Day offers a letter you can send to your utility
company to demand removal of a transmitting meter and a (replacement)
analog meter. A man whose pacemaker shut off after “smart” meters were
installed in his neighborhood speaks on a video. See the appendix for
Jerry Day’s model letter that refuses installation of a “smart” meter.

Sage Associates, environmental consultants, offers “Thirteen Fatal Flaws of
Smart Meter Technology” and “Assessment of Radiofrequency Microwave
Radiation Emissions from Smart Meters” at sagereports.com.

Industrial Hygienist Peter H. Sierck’s “Smart Meters: What Do We Know?
A Technical Paper to Clarify RF Radiation Emissions and Measurement
Methodologies,” at www.EMFRF.com, presents a way of scientifically
measuring the strength of microbursts emitted by “smart” meters and how
frequently microbursts occur. It summarizes concerns and presents
options if you have had a “smart” meter installed.

“Take Back Your Power,” a DVD by Josh del Sol about “smart” meters,

This website launched the (now international) campaign against “smart” meters in 2009. This website has compiled reports of “smart” meter fires and explosions AND Physicist Dr. Ronald M. Powell, PhD’s paper, “Biological Effects from RF Radiation at Low-Intensity Exposure, Based on the BioInitiative 2012 Report,” found here.

Industrial Hygienist Peter H. Sierck’s paper, “Smart Meters: What Do We Know? A Technical Paper to Clarify RF Radiation Emissions and Measurement Methodologies,” available at EMFRF.com. The paper presents a way of measuring the strength of microbursts emitted by “smart” meters and how frequently microbursts occur. It summarizes concerns and presents options if you have had a “smart” meter installed.

