Katie’s Hot List

Hot List #1: Katie Singer’s best talks and papers


Radiant TimesInternet Footprint Flyer


invitationInviting Discussion about Safer Tech Use in Schools


cell phone womanRadiant Times Comics


regenerationOn Our Way to Regeneration


Electronics in Our EcosystemElectronics in Our Ecosystem
A Talk by Katie Singer for Wireless Technology and Public Health: A Conference Sponsored by the Santa Clara County Medical Association Alliance Foundation
October 10, 2015


An-Electronic-Silent-Spring-CoverTeaching Fertility Awareness and Wireless Tech Hazards Around the World: An Interview with Katie Singer by Jill Allatta


1025-26.TechnoUtopia.TchIn.LR.074b Radiation Soup: an overview of EMR issues
Talk given at the Int’l Forum on Globalization, Oct. 2014, NYC; 17 min.


childrenCalming Behavior in Children with Autism & ADHD Report on a Bay Area pediatrician’s free protocol for improving children’s sleep, behavior and digestion


katygarylg (2b)Aiming to First Do No Harm
The history of electronics, regulations around electronics, and electronic interference–and Dr. Gary Olhoeft, geophysicist, electrical engineer and, since 2009, medical implant patient. Gary daily dodges electronic interference with his deep brain stimulator (implanted because he has Parkinson’s). 35 min. talk plus 23 min. of Q&A from Boulder and Eugene audiences.


solar 2 Safer Solar Power
How to create solar power systems that
emit less magnetic and RF fields.


pacemakerComment for the Access Board about EMR Exposure


519mc31f0nl-_sx333_bo1204203200_What to Expect When You’re Expecting Your First Novel
Here’s one writer’s view of publishing…before smartphones, social media


An Electronic Silent Spring ThumbnailBuy The Book